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- Publication:
- The Ardmore Daily Pressi
- Location:
- Ardmore, Oklahoma
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- 6
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THE ARDMORE DAILY PRFFS WEDNESDAY MAY ST 1922 Disastrous Series With Bonham Closes With Another Defeat CLUB WILL TRY Domestic Production During March Nearly I 17000000 Barrels Ilonieitx production of crude oil to Riegelman Trophy Is Up Today SEEN THE CROWN BLOCK PERRYMAN NEW TWIRLER HERE TO JOIN CLUB Grover Cleveland Ferryman newest addition to the Produeer pitching staff arrivitl in Ardmore Monday taled 4Iyitii)00 barrels daily average of 1 115 41U barrels in March Accident Was Responsible for Huge (lusher Ij wns an accident that brought the great Tullos well into a flow of shtut 7000 barrels according to info! mat ion front Caddo Texas north of which the Mid-Kansas gut its bit well It wax report that the well had been producing KU barrels of oil and was being cleaned out when the drillers dropped an entire string of toots into th hole When the tools wit ii covered after a fishing job that all but abandoned the huge (low tat ted TO COME BACK AGAINST SHERMAN I'ut to ijeiiiimiiiious rout for the fourth time in three days the Aid-1 more Producers retired from Bonham 1 last niht as prac fully ns their hut- tend and bedrageh condition would I jidinit hoping to ictrieve lost ground against the lowly Sherman lin Yi-fterduy's d-ioat the fourth comnaied with barrels i daily average barrel in Match 1H21 There were pro-ilucinj: oil wells complct in March lagainot 1144 in February and 14'0 (in Match lfjl I'roducing oil wells completed ast of the Rockies in 'March totaled lti4 against in Oklahoma Production In April Broke All Previous night and immediately ordered to report to Jim Maloney at Bonham Periyman corner from the Peoria Illinois club of the Three-eye league lat year f'errrman played with th Springfield club of the Western sociatioii where he performed in a vfrtr credible manner Pet ry man wan Records For High Oil Runs Ftliuury and 1ISI in Maivh I'iiM Krrourn I'roduction Production of ketosine in March Registered shooting for the Reig-elman trophy it scheduled for this afternoon by the members of the Ardmore Gun rlub It is expected that probably f0 shooter will par-tlcipat) in the shooting which will begin at 3 o'clock in the gun club shooting grounds The Keigelman trophy is large silver loving cup donated by the Reig-elman Jewelry company to be award-id to the best shot on the Ardmore Gun club roster 50 single targets will comprise the shooting program The truth can always be told in a fw words Oklahoma production for the month te county because the increase in as ban tls in I'cbruuiy 3- Mtuight suffered from the hands of Karrla and in Mann l'L'l i 1iiior Aprl oan on pipe line tuns was Miiroy and lot aTmoot ons-t bM or fc llilv falinK 0r in the llealdton and Hewitt 40J-J711 barels Stocks March the Urt of the fo despite the fa past Milroy and Fox one of the were 7CVS042 batteN February 2- that the record for production io the State new pool of the State averaged 4412 71027 barrels and March ly- eran I'at Croweon was hit hatd and lOtiL'TT'iO baire KxnorU Maich due to report last we-k but waJ delayed on his trip from th central tuta A great reputation Is a great charge i A clear statement is half the ii i inp rrev 1 4 'KM 2D barrels win 1 4'K bar at umiv momenis ny me iioi-kh- Th l'Mh rson I'nol in Gar Coline-Cooner doing Down to The Deep Sand Coline-Cooner-Cheek No 1 on the Westheimer farm in the northwest of the northwest of the rotlhwist qua iter of section '-4s-2w' is being deepmed to the Hun ble deep sand in the Uayou at en The well is a diagonal offset to th southeast of the Humble-Gill No 1 in the southeast corner of pection 25-4s-2v which is producing close to "00 barred from the del fillid liVW April has only TO days induction and in Apil it made 2ft6 from the of "Uns monthlv I)rUti(n hM becn eNC U4 bbls a day and March 1 801 blK A somewhat altered lineup faced I i tnln fnni: the Peware rf no man more than thyself rels in Fibiuarv 1 4D'i12D battels and i't March lvi lri" loll barrels The indicat I'imestic consumption of kerosene in Match wai 2r41311 barn Is in February barrels and in March 11'21 21744D Pal- one il-iio niiini Hal the onnosition in the last came totaled 12220 541 Ibis but the av- home cr the Pun-an Walter loin-r rr tnr Vxreh was nnlv Sfti21 1 anche and Lorn FiibN did better in bbls indicating a uun in dailv av-' April with 20C1C bbls compared I barr-I erae production in April of 4049 with bbls a lav in March Canoln? Product im htj ik Inrll i il-h it Production of tasoline in March l'HV was 'lCnr bbls ner day i monthlv production will btea'k ali 'WiJ H-4711 basrels compared with i i i Irnfant appeared in the role of a iuht-fielder ith Payne at second Young at fhort and Doggus on first has Frank Joins whose terrific hiitinu of H21 has failed to repeat thus far this has dropped to seventh place in the battin- order Failure of Maloney's pitchers to hold the opposition is counted as responsible for the disast at Uoiihaiti The addition of Perry-man Peoria Ills hurler who lft i 1 ni rriirilt 11ml likewise its naireis in renrunrv nu rrix: ic: i i0 The in barrels il March wtre 1 I IK I production having averaged h'Ji i rwn is suuy dmnK iou I 1 4 1 ft 1 1 iin I 0000 bbls a day maik but th' rerruary iii iair bbls anl that of April bbls the aruls oil -''-n i uv i ia The Iiurbank Field was largely res-' Bri-tow Field is pioducing more noilucing more Exports in Maih wire 12J4152 bar this month than it ever has done ponsioie lor mis Dig increase ik- i fuskee County suffered a decrcas in ortsetting Okfuskee County's dejxd- Ardmore to nun the club lt is safe to assume that May tn rltixr iha ctuff in Aniil the fiirures for March havini? tion Say Microscope Can Determine Formation Value Findings made in the course of a study of the oil shale of Kentucky made by Dr Rtinhardt Thiessen at the Pittsburgh Pa experiment station of the Bureau of Mines wo Id feen justify th decision that i the worth of oil shales can be determined by microscopic dett rmination A bulletin giving the results of this investigation which is in co-operation with the Kentucky Geological I Survey is in coursi of preparation i Data on the subject is being supplied I local geologists from time to time some xtent but unless the hurlt-w been 500 bbls while the daily an ess of 400000 bbls can give a better account of them- average for April was only WhOO i a day Belveti thnn thev have clone at Ron- bbls Creek County also showd Kansas made a better daily pro- ham the face of Periyman probably falling off March's daily nroduction duction lecord in April than in March As We Have Said i Before We have everything in the Sporting Game So don't take a chance in walking all over town and then not finding what you want Come here and we can supply you Don A Cochran Inc Telephone 507 Everything fer Your Game AUTO SUPPLIES SPORTING GOODS having been 85824 bbls while that Th? pipe bne runs indicated SDOol) will not be th only new one to make its appearance in the Ardmore lineup YESl FKOAY'S KESCLTS bbls a day whili? in March the av-traze was 84 t4D bbls a gain in April of 4771 bbls Marion uinty scored 17441 bbls daily in April and 15t7fl bbls in March Buttler Coun- of April was bbls Okmulgee County had a "comeback" and its Apiil average of 25997 bbls wa letter than that of March 25245 bbls Pawnee county with 9120 bbls 49709 bbls in bbls in March as April's daily average showed bet- ty is credited with tr than in March with 8781 bbls and April and 4D052 League ARDMORK 0 Honrwm 4 Sherman 5 Cleburn 2 Coisicana 7 Mexiu 5 Haiis 5 Greenville 4 'Payne County with 14519 bbls a dty Greenw-od continued to jrain with rels in Februaiy hariels and in Match 1921 1144122 barrels The indicate! doTcsti? consumption of gasoline in Match was HHolO-'tJ barrels in February i141'71 bariels and in March 1921 8077122 barrels (as and Fuel Oil Picductioii of and fud oil in March was 2021ti8i) burr Is" in February 1X 121079 ham Is and in March PJ21 1X0M5XX ban els Stx-kf March III were barrels February 'X '14iG41l barre's anl Match "1 1921 9 barrels Exports in Marih were 1(548-52ti bintels in February 1 tatrels li-id in March l'c'l 7817412 barrels The iniiicate dumotic consumption of ens niiil I oil in Match was 202('tU72 harnii in Febrfury lfiS4i)lKX barrels and in March 1921 15927924 barrels Committee on Specifications Will Meet July The Interdepartmental Petroleum Specifications committee which prepares tertativ- salifications for all 7415 bbls in April as against 6 01 'in April headed March which i credited with 11289 bbls Garfield and Noble did better in April hen the averatre was 12510 bbls ls against 10109 bbls in March 1 There was little difference in Car- bbls in March while other counties of the State and the oil used for fuel on I ases in Butler and Mat ion Counties averaged 15075 bbls in April and 1121S bbls in March American league At fit eland 0-C Chicago 4-7 At St Lou's 5-2 1 troit 6-1 (Last 14 innings) At lio'-ton 4-" Washington 7-5 At New York Philadelphia 2-4 National League At Brooklyn Boston 1-4 At Philadelphia New York 8-IG At Pittsburgh 1-7 Cincinnati 9-3 At Chicago 4-1 St Louis 1-1 Drilling Is Resumed in Test Of Union-Draughon I'nion Pitroleum Company's No 1 located in the noithwvst of the notth-wevt of the southwest quarter of section on the Draughon farm Love county tesumed drilling yesterday according to field ports The wi'l has betn under-rwaming 10-iruh casing at li0 Men on'y Men only Men only Telephone Men in Ardmore Robcit Bum division traffic su-p: riiiter irit an I A Sanders cornetrg oinpany a if lit both of the Sout'ivustctn Be'l Telephone Co with headiiuarti-M in Oklahoma City spent Tuesday in Ardmoie on com-patiy business ARDMORE OIL MAN FORMERLY EDITOR HAS PAPER HE PRINTED ON AMERICAN FLAG IN 1887 fill Mr pttl oleum products including- 1 In Rooks county the gane of I J-'asolim i i- and lubriiating WrMern League At TuNa 4-5 Oklahoma City All others postponed rain What is probably the most unique 10-4 i newspaper ever published in Anier-' ica is in the possession of Mill-' er veteran newspapermun political politics was played for all it was wotth We were having a hot puli- oils for the I nitel States government will hold an opn meeting July 1 at 9:00 in the atiditot iuin of t'ne Intel ior Ii ildintf in Washingoon At th: meeting the Specification fr Pit i oleum Products which have en published as Ticii-nical naiiir '(" if th Texan I-eagce At Houston 5 Wichita Falls 11 tical battle anil when I can? ou thit day with my newspaper printed the American flag my enemies -i--d upon the opportunity to mal-e trm- fctudent and now actively engaged in the oil drilling game in Carter county fields I The paper is a copy of the Rooks Courty lleniocrat of Rooks county ble charging me with h-iving mutil- Min th Tttia jjlhM At Beaumont I)allas 4 At Galveston 7 Ft Worth 0 At San Antonio-Shrevepoi rain ST AN DIM OF TEAMS Lcac oe rvas tra was puonsneu in ine cnj of Stockton October 4 187 The piint is like the normal print of any ited the flag "I never had any inter'ion of do- 1 I ctniii'Um Products wbch Lave ust app'und a telni paper 29 vid disiusMtl in rcen thiouirhout the entire countty are weli oined to the me i to xpress their views on the subject (modrn but the stock on ing guch a thing What did was Tct which the paper was printed tslimn1 t)rt uhat thailh wa a ttu 711 cloth on which has been printed the Anelkan publKation on the enblm 7 American flag 0 rue Americanism The main crim- 27 11 21 II 21 It! 20 1C is 22 -o- mat issie uenareo Miner ft- a i11Mrc lu Haskell Deep Gr Paris A RDMORK Bonham Cleburne I'orsicara Sherman M-ia who was eJitor ot tre puMication at papp i He-i i I 'in in A'U llit tra" -or miirhlf In ve- 1 ing ever can ve i ing ever can test Reaches 17 4 ndnj: in- to jail i-i it lf i 19 21 29 111 "A Democrat all my life I WaS at nwl thi rrv rrr iJillfl l'tt i ti 21 mai lime jiiiK in a iwa-oouna rr- lH newspaper -f whi' i I ba Th dvepesl tct we in Caitrr fkiiTii mo nr uri er a fiiiM rv nil seen the so-called outvoted us I Haskell ard othrs test or he A Clark farm located in the I center of the sohthwest of the oth- 1 Tin H-llret rut) This Negro Was Mixing Up Hell least of the northwest ipiatter of sec-i Fourth Straight was drilling in hntd rock a 1500 i accoiding to firld American League New York 2H 10 St Louis 21 16 Washington 22 20 Cleveland 21 22 Detroit 20 21 Philadelphia 19 20 hicago IS 21 Boston 16 22 Pet 617 590 524 489 4H8 47 462 I bx in) And Petroleum AB II PO A Many theories about the origin of repin yestrdav The st is south west of proiluition in tre Watiut Clopp cf 3 0 0 0 I Petroleum have been advanced but ia Men's $1000 Semi Brogue Oxford Anniveraary Sale $695 Hamilton Shoe Co ana Iiallanfant rf 4 0 1 Of-w hive spoken of the reason of it J21 Payne 2b 4 I Young ss Dance to the music the "Var-witr Six" at the legion Car nit al June 1-2-1 5 A rcg ro pastor however has ad 4 vanced new theory according to 1 Ramsey local oil man that is en- 2 trtaining whether it i worth con-t 0 siderine or not According to Mr ALL over the country Jtxl today men arc talking about the service Fisk Tires give Just look the tires over if you want to know why Compare for Quality and Price i National league York 28 Pittsburgh 24 St Louis 24 14 16 19 Boggus lb Pet Hehrens Zb 1 W7 Jones If 1 600 Punbeiton 559 Ouwson 1 513 1 512 Totals 466 5 0 Ramsey the newly appointed pastor 0 1 cf the colored church announced that til subject of his firt ei mon would 24 be "Am they a Hell or Am they 'Not? And I will prove that they Chicuco 20 la Brooklyn 22 21 Cincinnati 21 24 Boston 16 22 Philadelphia 14 27 BONHAM 421 14 I AB PO 2 1 When thirst comes home to you have it ready in the icchox Bottled Smith 2b 5 Rawlins ss 4 Deimasso lb 3 White 4 Blankenfhip 4 Tullos lb 4 Grant If 4 1 T7wre a tUJl Tirr ot extra vaiur In every jtxe fur mr truck or jpeeJ tctJfvn A Am" 31 The church was: parked when the 2 1 new parson arose to prove his ns- 0 sertion 1 "Biedren" he said "le Lawd nride 3 world round like a ball" "Amen" 1 cried the congregation "And de 1 1 Lawd made ue world so it would go 0 round and round" "Amen" was the response Pet 7s0 517 1 10 4 1 0 1 3 4 Western l-eajue St Joseph 12 9 Sioux City 24 17 Wiihita 22 19 Tulsa 22 21 Omaha 17 22 Des Moines 17 25 Oklahoma City 17 27 Denvir 16 urn 512 Aikens cf 3 4 416 Phillip if Delicious and Refreshing 101 :87 18 1 Iff Ttb phone yoiir grocer for a catc "And de Lawd made two axls for world to go round on He put one axle at de No'th Pole and on? axle at de South Pole" "Amen" again agreed the congregation "And de Lawd put a lot of oi) and I axle gtease in de renter of world so as to kei de axles well greased and oiled" "Amen" again confirmed the con I'ft'flKJI 11 Totals 15 II 27 11 Score by innings: II Atdmore 000 000 0 4 1 Bonham 012 100 4 11 1 Summary: Rawlins Dlmasso White Tullos Errors Young Tullos Stolen base Rawlins Two-base White Blanken-hip Smith IS Tes lcaeue Ft Wotth 27 14 Beaumont Vtf 18 Wichita Falls 27 18 Houston 21 22 Dallas 21 24 Galveston (' 25 San Antonio 19 26 Pet 657 648 600 512 166 145 122 361 gregation "And den a lot of sinners digs FISK TIRES For Sale in Ardmore by Model Vucalnizing Co Phone 482 15 A St MMM Double Payne to Young to Bogg-us Shtevi port 11 21 wells in Oklahoma an' Pennsylvania and Texas and Kentucky and Mexico Strike Blankenship 4 4 and Russia and (teal de awd's grease Dlajikenship 1 Crowson 3 land oil 1 Ml J' Don't fail lo attend the Am rican tuition June 1-2-3 A hook's well lost to catch a sitl-mn Wild Blanktnhip The Coca Cola Bottling Co niKI rvmo o4j urj ug many wtlla dey will have all de Lawd' oil and grease and den dem two axles is going to ret hot And dat will be Hell Brethren dat WILL BE! HELL!" Pased Pemberton Ltft on batK Ardmore 4 Bonham Time game 1:32 I'mplr' Fanning lsst argument of a fool is The anper.
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About The Ardmore Daily Press Archive
- Pages Available:
- 13,847
- Years Available:
- 1921-1927