Spencer Wells Janke obituary and life story | The Memories (2025)



Spencer Wells Janke

Spencer Wells Janke

Nov 10, 1980 – Sep 18, 2024

Spencer Wells Janke, 43, passed away on September 18, 2024, after a shortened but full life. Spencer was well loved by family, friends and strangers alike due to his outgoing personality and his sincere interest in others. His big smile, inexhaustible energy, and friendly, loud voice would light up every room, and no one ever felt ignored when they were around Spencer. He was gifted with the ability to draw people together in fun and laughter. He could connect instantly, remembering everyone’s name and details about their lives. He was truly an amazing talent and will be missed by all.

Born in Redmond, Washington, on November 10, 1980, Spencer was the third of four boys born to David and Michelle Janke. At age 3, Spencer learned to water-ski, and from then on, his life was full of excitement and adventure. Ultimately, the family settled in Sandy, Utah, where Spencer instantly made friends and spent his boyhood years. He did well in school, zipped through merit badges as a Boy Scout, and excelled in swimming, diving, and gymnastics.

After serving an LDS mission to Houston, Texas, where he became fluent in Spanish, Spencer completed his education and graduated with a degree in communications from the University of Utah. He then pursued a career in residential real estate, resulting in numerous relationships and long-lasting friendships. Long past the closing date, his interactions with clients brought him joy, numerous referrals, and great career satisfaction. Spencer’s “friend to everyone” attitude and sincere interest in others set him apart from others.

Spencer loved the mountains and found great joy in extreme adventures. He ran in long distance trail-running competitions, heli-skied in the high mountains of Colorado and Canada, and hiked to the top of the highest mountains in the Western States. He and his father spent dozens of nights together in tents pitched on high-altitude glaciers or at basecamps before early morning ascents. When rock climbing, he insisted on leading in order to shield his father from danger. The highlight of his mountaineering adventures was a two-week climbing trip to the Alps in Southern France and Switzerland, where he and his dad summited Mont Blanc and five other world-renowned peaks. Spencer seemed to have been born for the mountains and adventured there with skiing and trail running throughout his adult life.

Spencer had a special relationship with his mother, frequently calling her to check in, to share some excitement, or to talk over matters of importance. Their similar personalities and shared interests forged an emotional bond that helped lift each other up. To show his love and appreciation, he sent notes, made surprise visits, and shared lots of hugs. Although the sudden loss of a child is among the greatest sorrows, his mother finds comfort knowing that Spencer is at peace.

Family was always number one in Spencer’s life. On February 20, 2009, he married his beautiful and talented wife, Lindsay, whom he loved dearly. She, the intelligent, well-organized, and steady one, and he, the high-energy, outgoing, spontaneous one with hundreds of “besties,” were meant for each other. She was his constant support, and he was her biggest cheerleader. To support her during PA school, he would sit with her on the couch, watching TV with headphones on while she studied. They skied together, climbed together, biked together, and hiked together, and as little Layton joined their lives, she fit snugly in his backpack. Their family was thrilled to settle in the Yalecrest area and created a life in close proximity to their favorite activities. They frequently attended ball games, theater productions, neighborhood walks and enjoyed eating out downtown. Traveling also brought them close together, sharing memorable trips across the globe, a highlight being their 10th-anniversary trip to Australia. Recently, the three of them fulfilled Layton’s dream, experiencing an unforgettable week in New York City. Of course, boating trips were yet again ways to bring family and friends together.

Oh, how he loved their daughter, Layton Marie! “Dad” was Spencer’s favorite title, and Layton was the center of his world. He treasured their mornings together as he helped ready her for school and drove her there every morning. When Spencer came home at night, they would race to see who could be the first to yell, “I love you; you are my favorite!” Layton would tell her friends that she could do anything she put her mind to because her daddy said so. Lindsay and Layton were, and always will be, the focus of Spencer’s life. Moments before he passed away, he asked his family and closest friends to “please take care of my girls.”

Spencer and Lindsay loved socializing and entertaining friends at parties in their home or outdoor outings. He wanted his house to be a gathering place for his family’s many friends. They hosted dinner parties, Christmas parties, Friendsgiving, and pool parties. Spencer often got carried away and invited more guests than contemplated, further demonstrating his philosophy of, “the more the merrier.”

Although dealing with his own struggles, he developed empathy and compassion for people going through tough times and was always the first to call with words of comfort. Day or night, if someone needed help, Spencer would drop everything to be there for them.

Spencer leaves behind so many whom he loved and who miss him sorely. He is survived by his wife, Lindsay (Layton); his daughter, Layton Marie; father and mother, David and Michelle; and brothers Clark, Richard (Heather Oliphant), and Cameron (Katie Walsh). Extended family members include numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, and nieces, all of whom adored him. The children will never forget Uncle Spencer, who wrestled them on the floor, carried them on his back, tickled them, threw them to the sky, and landed them in his arms. Everyone loved Spencer.

Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, October 8 at The Garden Place, This is the Place Heritage Park, 2601 E. Sunnyside Ave., in Salt Lake City. An opportunity to greet the family, mingle with friends, and say goodbye to Spencer will be held at the same location beginning at 9 AM, and the funeral will follow immediately at 10:30 AM. By invitation only, a private graveside ceremony will occur prior to interment at the Larkin Sunset Lawn Cemetery, 2350 East 1300 South.



Services Handled By

Larkin Mortuary

260 E South Temple

Salt Lake City, UT 84111

(801) 363-5781

Spencer Wells Janke obituary and life story | The Memories (1)

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Oct 1, 2024

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Spencer Wells Janke obituary and life story | The Memories (2025)


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